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$3,228.58 Vitrine bookcase bureau desk furniture double body commode trumeau 20th century Vitrine bookcase bureau desk furniture double body commode trumeau 20th century $2,152.39 Chinese vase furniture object cup antique oriental style in painted ceramic Chinese vase furniture object cup antique oriental style in painted ceramic $1,076.19 Landscape signed artwork oil on canvas painting countryside 20th century 900 Landscape signed artwork oil on canvas painting countryside 20th century 900 $5,919.07 Venetian commode furniture dresser chest of drawers antique style 20th century Venetian commode furniture dresser chest of drawers antique style 20th century $4,520.02 Antique religious artwork 18th century Saint Andrew painting oil on canvas Antique religious artwork 18th century Saint Andrew painting oil on canvas $12,914.33 Antique artwork oil on canvas religious painting Italian art 17th century Antique artwork oil on canvas religious painting Italian art 17th century $2,367.63 Chinese vase oriental cup furniture object in painted ceramic antique style Chinese vase oriental cup furniture object in painted ceramic antique style $2,152.39 Painting oil on canvas framework with frame signed antique style landscape 900 Painting oil on canvas framework with frame signed antique style landscape 900 $3,766.68 Signed painting Grassis G Italian artwork oil on board art 20th century Signed painting Grassis G Italian artwork oil on board art 20th century $4,520.02 Antique framework oil on canvas painting Italian girl portrait 18th century 700 Antique framework oil on canvas painting Italian girl portrait 18th century 700 $17,219.11 Saint Jerome antique artwork painting oil on canvas religious 17th century Saint Jerome antique artwork painting oil on canvas religious 17th century $4,842.88 Bureau antique Venetian style furniture vintage desk commode 20th century Bureau antique Venetian style furniture vintage desk commode 20th century $2,475.25 Chest of drawers furniture in wood antique style commode dresser bedroom Chest of drawers furniture in wood antique style commode dresser bedroom $12,914.33 Trumeau design Paolo Buffa furniture modern antiques bureau writing desk 60' Trumeau design Paolo Buffa furniture modern antiques bureau writing desk 60' $2,367.63 Indian character sculpture in exotic wood from 20th century Indian character sculpture in exotic wood from 20th century $5,058.11 Italian console in exotic wood from 20th century Italian console in exotic wood from 20th century $5,165.73 Antique Italian portrait painting oil on canvas grotesque artwork 17th century Antique Italian portrait painting oil on canvas grotesque artwork 17th century $3,228.58 Religious painting antique framework oil on canvas Christ at the column 700 Religious painting antique framework oil on canvas Christ at the column 700 $4,089.54 Painting bucolic landscape framework oil canvas antique style 20th century 900 Painting bucolic landscape framework oil canvas antique style 20th century 900 $6,457.17 Antique framework painting oil on canvas game of chess 18th century 700 frame Antique framework painting oil on canvas game of chess 18th century 700 frame
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